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Data Center

Nowoczesne Data Center netart.com

The netart.com brand is part of the NetArt Group, which operates globally in almost 100 countries around the world. We provide our services in modern Data Centers located in Europe, North America and Asia. Communication between data centers is carried out via fiber optic links, and the total capacity of netart.com's network to other operators is more than 400 Gbps. In addition to direct connections to major international and local providers, we participate in key traffic exchange points for the global Internet.

The netart.com network is built on Juniper routers and switches and Fortinet security systems. It operates redundantly with HA high availability technology, ensuring low latency and maximum data transfer speed. Using modern and proven hardware solutions, we provide customers with high reliability and security of services.

Nowoczesne centra danych netart.com

Geographically distributed CDN netart.com servers, located in multiple Data Centers around the world, minimize response times to data requests and protect our customers' services from DDoS attacks. DNS Anycast netart.com servers, located in more than a dozen locations on 6 continents, speed up the performance of websites, while DNSSEC protection prevents cybercriminals from impersonating domains registered with us.

Looking glass netart.com

At https://lg.netart.com we provide the Looking Glass tool, which provides information on data routes and network performance. With it, you can check for yourself how fast data is being transferred from a network belonging to netart.com.

Looking glass netart.com
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