Special offer: ET150 USD/yr | com – 10 USD/yr | eu – 10 USD/yr
  • Disk space 100 GB
  • Processing capacity 4 vCPU (20 GHz)
  • RAM 8 GB
  • cdn_icon CDN netart.com check
  • PrestaShop installer check
  • Online stores unlimited
  • Products unlimited
  • 2FA check

CloudHosting e-Shop Start

Best option for first-timers

  • Disk space 500 GB
  • Processing capacity 4 vCPU (20 GHz)
  • RAM 8 GB
  • cdn_icon CDN netart.com check
  • PrestaShop installer check
  • Online stores unlimited
  • Products unlimited
  • 2FA check

CloudHosting e-Shop Business

Best for businesses

10 USD
10 USD
  • Disk space 1 TB
  • Processing capacity 4 vCPU (20 GHz)
  • RAM 8 GB
  • cdn_icon CDN netart.com check
  • PrestaShop installer check
  • Online stores unlimited
  • Products unlimited
  • 2FA check

CloudHosting e-Shop Pro

High-end package

15 USD
15 USD
Full specification available in the desktop version

CloudHosting WordPress, i.e. cloud hosting, is a modern solution, surpassing traditional hosting, in which the website is operated only on a single server. Cloud hosting offers greater speed, scalability of resources and response to failures in fractions of seconds. In cloud hosting, each website is served simultaneously in clusters consisting of hundreds of servers, thanks to which, regardless of the time of day or night, all websites operate at the maximum possible speed.

CloudHosting with CDN netart.com

szybki hosting netart.com
Dynamic resource allocation across hundreds of servers

Servers are allocated to serve incoming requests related to websites by devices called load balancers. Servers are selected dynamically based on the load of each server in the cloud, with decisions made in thousandths of a second. What happens if a website generates more traffic? There are no delays in operation, as load balancers immediately recognize such a situation and intelligently balance the traffic between the netart.com cloud servers with the least load.

netart.com’s CloudHosting uses ultra fast Intel Xeon server processors with high clock speed to make each website quickly and reliably. Thanks to state-of-the-art Intel Optane drives and cloud hosting technology, the speed of each website is independent of time of day and the load generated by other netart.com customers’ websites. CloudHosting offers the processing power of hundreds of servers rather than of a single server as is the case with classic web hosting services.

CDN netart.com speeds up CloudHosting

Websites using CDN netart.com’s static content caching open faster than those unsupported by this technology. Cache servers are placed in key locations around the world to provide users with access to website content from their nearest geographical location.

As the physical distance between a server and a user becomes shorter, performance is improved, delays in content delivery are eliminated, and websites open faster. Using CDN netart.com nodes directly translates into improved web page positioning, since search engines algorithms take account of how fast pages are loaded.

CDN netart.com efficiently protects you against Distributed Denial of Service attacks, since the direct traffic exchange between Internet service providers at a number of traffic exchange points effectively limits the consequences of a potential attack from the affected network only to its connection points.


CloudHosting e-Shop Start CloudHosting e-Shop Business CloudHosting e-Shop Pro



Disk space determines the amount of space available for e-mail, databases and websites. Its size in the offer allows you to maintain hundreds of thousands of e-mails and many websites.
100 GB 500 GB TB

Guaranteed computing power

The CloudHosting technology, using hundreds of processors avail-able in the netart.com server clusters, allows for the allocation of guaranteed computing power of 4 vCPU (20 GHz) for each host-ing service, dedicated to servicing websites. Separate servers in the cloud are designed to handle e-mail, databases, FTP, SSH and CRON tasks, enabling each service to simultaneously use up to several hundred consecutive vCPUs. The actual use of processor time caused by all operations performed on the hosting service is billed in seconds.
4 vCPU
(20 GHz)
4 vCPU
(20 GHz)
4 vCPU
(20 GHz)

Maximum CPU usage time

The hosting service can use the available number of seconds of processor time within 24 hours, using the computing power of hundreds of servers available in the netart.com cloud. By the time the processor is used, the load caused by all processes related to its operation is counted. Thanks to the high available computing power, all operations are always performed quickly, regardless of the temporary increase in load caused by the time of day or your marketing activities that increase the number of website visits and the amount of e-mail correspondence sent.
43 200 s 86 400 s 172 800 s


The use of Intel Xeon processors with a very high clock speed of 5 GHz reduces to a minimum the waiting time for all server operations, which increases the speed of generating dynamic WordPress-type websites. Scaling of resources is provided by CloudHosting technology.
5 GHz 5 GHz 5 GHz


Thanks to the large amount of RAM memory dedicated to web pages, scripts on the server execute at maximum speed, regardless of the time of day or your marketing activities. High parameters also allow you to run software with high system requirements.
8 GB 8 GB 8 GB


Cloud technology provides dynamic load distribution between servers with the lowest load in the cluster, which guarantees that each hosting service has the resources guaranteed in the offer. The load on the servers is monitored ten times per second, which ensures a very fast reaction time to the increasing load on a single server.


CloudHosting uses LXC containerization in operation. Containers are created in the operating system, and only inside each of them is a set of necessary processes launched. This ensures the separation of each single service at the level of the virtual environment, thus increasing its security, work stability and operational reliability.

Data transfer

The transfer specifies the total amount of data sent from and to the Service within a calendar month, measured on the IP layer. Traffic includes, in particular, connections to websites, POP3, IMAP4, FTP, SSH, SMTP servers, as well as ICMP traffic.
1 TB 5 TB 10 TB

Server connection speed

The highest possible speed of websites and e-mails is possible thanks to the use of broadband, fiber-optic netart.com connections and access to national and international operator traffic exchange points.
400 Gbps 400 Gbps 400 Gbps


Web pages open faster thanks to a modern method of communication between the Web server and Web browsers. The functionality is activated automatically for all websites that use SSL certificates.

TLS 1.3

The safest method of connection between a web server and web browsers, using SSL certificates for security. It speeds up the operation of websites and provides the highest available level of protection of the transmitted data.

DNS Anycast

DNS Anycast shortens the time of opening websites in web browsers by speeding up the response from the DNS server. The functionality is available for domains registered at netart.com or with the purchased DNS Anycast service.

MariaDB, PostgreSQL databases

The databases run in a cluster of servers, ensuring high performance and reliable operation. The use of high-speed Intel Optane drives with 3D XPoint technology on the latest version of the database server, provided on the hosting service, and a large amount of RAM allows smooth operation of even the largest web applications and online stores. The high parameters of the configuration allow for fast operation even during periods of promotional campaigns, causing a significant increase in traffic on websites.


Non-relational NoSQL database, storing data as JSON/BSON objects and enabling their quick processing in the application. It is characterized by high scalability, flexibility and ease of implementation. It is mainly used for processing very large data sets. The MongoDB server runs as a separate instance for each hosting service.

Memcached server

A server for caching information in memory, accelerating the operation of websites. Its use, like the Redis server, improves the performance of, among others, WordPress and PrestaShop applications.

Redis server

A modern data warehouse, used as a cache memory, accelerating the operation of websites. Its use, like the Memcached server, improves the performance of, among others, WordPress and PrestaShop applications.

Application servers

Application servers allow you to run applications written in various programming languages, implementing advanced functionalities not available in PHP.
1 3 5


Node.js is a server-side runtime environment for applications written in JavaScript. Netart.com hosting enables the use of the Node.js environment as a web service in which data is transferred via the HTTP protocol. The use of the npm package management system allows you to use a rich list of additional modules and ready-to-use frameworks.

PHP/Perl/Python support

As part of the hosting service, it is possible to run web applications written in the most popular PHP/Perl/Python programming languages. Each service has a separate configuration, and many configuration parameters can be set using the CloudHosting Panel. Large processor time and memory resources, as well as the dynamic distribution of services in a cluster of servers, allow smooth operation of demanding e-commerce websites and portals.

mod_rewrite module

The mod_rewrite module allows you to convert long and complicated website addresses into a user- and search engine-friendly form. The use of short and easy-to-remember addresses inspires trust among recipients of websites.

SVN and Git repositories

SVN and GIT version control systems are tools used by programmers, graphic designers and website designers. They track all changes made to files and allow you to recall any previous version, thanks to which they allow you to coordinate the work of many people.

Task Scheduler (CRON)

The task scheduler allows you to run programs on a web server cyclically and is most often used to perform repetitive activities related to backing up or cleaning. It also allows you to generate and send reports, and perform other cyclical activities necessary for the proper operation of websites.


System backup

The security of data collected at netart.com is ensured by RAID arrays that synchronize data in real time. In addition, once a day, system backups of all data are sent via fiber optic links to an external Data Center. System backup copies are made in the event of data carrier failure and do not replace the user's backup copy. However, data from them may be made available under the conditions set out in the IT Services provided by netart.com. System backups are kept for at least 48 hours. To ensure a longer storage period for data copies, the ability to define a schedule for their creation and the functionality of self-recovery of information, use the "Data backup" service.

SNI (multiple SSL certificates on one server)

SSL certificates are installed independently for each domain and enable safe and fast transmission of websites.

SSL to email

Mail servers allow you to send and receive e-mails using secure connections using SSL certificates. Correspondence is transmitted in an encrypted form, impossible to overhear.

Security parameters

The security and stability of the services provided is the priority of netart.com. Thanks to the introduction of security parameters, each customer is provided with high performance of the service, with a guarantee of uninterrupted operation for 99.9% of the time it is provided.
High High High

Extended DoS and DDoS protection

A service provided by Scrubbing Center netart.com, consisting in protection against attacks from the Internet, causing saturation of the link or blocking access to services. TCP/UDP/ICMP network traffic is analyzed in real time, and emerging threats are identified and stopped without causing any damage to the operation of websites.

Web Application Firewall (WAF)

WAF is a firewall, often called an application filter, designed to protect websites, which increases security and provides protection against typical XSS/SQL/PHP attacks. Thanks to the possibility of activating dedicated rules for WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and e-shop applications, you can easily configure the scope of protection, depending on the software used.

Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

IPS works between the DoS/DDoS system and WAF application filters, ensuring the detection of repetitive attack patterns on a group of several hundred thousand different websites operated by netart.com. Monitoring such a large number of pages allows you to identify the actions of intruders even before they start the actual attack.

Anti-exploit protection

The security system monitors the data sent via FTP on an ongoing basis and, if infected files are detected, prevents them from being saved on the server.


Number of supported domains and websites

An unlimited number of domains allows you to create many websites and e-mail accounts. Domains can operate independently or point to other domains configured as part of the service.
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Mail in many domains (multimail)

E-mail accounts are set up independently in each domain, so you can create many accounts with the same name, differing only in the domain name. The pool of names for e-mail accounts in each domain is independent.


Ultra-fast Intel Optane drives on databases

Databases using the latest version of the database server included in the hosting service run on ultra-fast Intel Optane drives with 3D XPoint technology, which provide up to 10 times faster writes and reads compared to SSDs. This results in much faster performance for dynamically generated websites like WordPress and PrestaShop.

24/7 support

Netart.com consultants are available 24 hours a day, every day of the week, offering assistance in the scope related to the functioning of services and the selection of additional services.

Secure Data Centers

Server clusters that support pages WWW, databases, e-mail and data backups are located in professional Data Centers that meet the TIER III standard and have ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certificates. The physical security of the equipment is ensured by a separate space, protected by multi-level access control.

SLA / Uptime

The guaranteed level of service availability, settled in annual cycles, is a parameter ensuring high availability of websites and e-mail accounts.
99,9% 99,9% 99,9%


Number of email accounts

An unlimited number of e-mail accounts enables electronic correspondence by many people at the same time. Using the CloudHosting Panel, you can create new addresses yourself and manage the existing ones. Each of the established accounts has access to the program for handling e-mail via the web, both in the version for computers and mobile devices.
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Mail aliases

Mail aliases are alternate email account addresses that allow you to forward mail destined to multiple different addresses to a single email account. The use of aliases facilitates the handling of electronic correspondence, reducing the number of unnecessary e-mail accounts by replacing them with simple redirections.
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Web-based mail (Cloud Mail)

An extensive, professional e-mail program, supported by a web browser, enabling access to e-mail from any computer or mobile device connected to the Internet. It perfectly copes with handling even very large attachments, and for people using a mobile Internet connection with low bandwidth, it is a solution that speeds up work. It contains an extensive set of functionalities, a simple and intuitive graphical interface, and a version for mobile devices.


SPF provides protection against email spoofing attempts. The servers at netart.com, when receiving e-mails, verify whether the sender's server IP address matches the list of IP addresses authorized to send e-mail in this domain.


The DKIM security ensures that the sender of the message is authenticated using asymmetric cryptography. Servers at netart.com attach an encrypted signature when sending messages, which is verified by the recipient's server. When receiving messages, netart.com servers check the received encrypted signature using the public key placed in the DNS zone of the domain.


DMARC is a mechanism that defines how the mail server should behave when it receives a negatively verified message using SPF and DKIM security. DMARC also allows you to receive periodic reports by e-mail about e-mail spoofing attempts from e-mail servers around the world that have recorded such violations and support DMARC protection.

Anti-spam system for e-mail

The anti-spam system prevents spam from being delivered to users' inboxes by automatically evaluating each incoming message using specialized filters. Filters use a global list of e-mail addresses known to send spam, verify the information contained in SPF, DKIM, DMARC security and additionally analyze the content of shipments for keywords. As a result of the analysis, a point value is assigned to each message and a decision is made to deliver or reject the message. The user has the option of defining his own white and black lists of e-mail correspondence senders, thus having control over the message filtering rules.

Antivirus for mail

The anti-virus system prevents messages containing malware from being delivered to users' inboxes. For the assessment, it uses databases of known threats and analyzes messages using heuristic algorithms that allow it to detect new viruses based on known patterns of malware operation. As a result of the analysis, a decision is made to deliver or reject the message.

IMAP support

The IMAP protocol enables automatic synchronization of the content of the e-mail program installed on a computer or mobile device with the e-mail box on the server. This is an ideal solution for users who use email on many devices, because messages saved on one device are available on all other devices at the same time. IMAP also allows you to create mail folders on the server, which is used to catalog e-mail messages.

Autoresponder for mail

Autoresponder is a service that automatically sends a return e-mail to the sender of the correspondence delivered to the e-mail account. Thanks to this functionality, it is possible to inform senders about the absence or holiday leave of the owner of the e-mail address.


Discussion groups facilitate communication, enabling the exchange of e-mail correspondence between people assigned to them. E-mail delivered to the e-mail address of a discussion group is automatically sent to each member of this group, without the need to indicate all persons individually in the mailing address.

Mail forwarding

Mail redirection allows for automatic delivery of incoming correspondence to a different e-mail address. This facilitates the management of unused e-mail accounts to which correspondence can still be directed.

Catch-all for mail

It allows you to forward a message sent to any non-existent address in the domain to the indicated e-mail account. In the event that the correspondent makes a mistake when entering the name of the e-mail account, the message will be sent to the e-mail address designated by the user.


Autoinstaller for WordPress, PrestaShop, Joomla and many more applications

Possibility of automatic installation of popular applications, configured and ready for operation. The available applications allow you to run, among others, an online store, a CMS content management system and a photo gallery.
50 100 200


CloudHosting Panel (server management)

CloudHosting Panel is an intuitive hosting management tool in which, using a web browser, e-mail accounts, databases and websites are administered. It allows you to add and remove domains, e-mail accounts and databases on your own, and also provides information on website views.

Visitor statistics and server usage

The Management Panel provides detailed information on the use of the service, presenting in an accessible form information on the statistics of website visits and the use of technical parameters. This information makes it easier to evaluate the promotional activities of the website and is a valuable source of information on the performance of the software launched by the Customer.

Number of FTP accounts

FTP accounts allow you to upload websites, and facilitate the division of the hosting service into many websites operating in separate domains. For security reasons, FTP accounts should not be shared with third parties, as all scripts on the web server for all domains are run with shared permissions.
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Server log (logs)

The server log is a text file containing chronologically arranged records of all events that took place within the web server. The file is available for download via CloudHosting Panel. Logs from the web server allow for a detailed analysis of website visits and enable the detection of any errors and irregularities in the operation of programs.

Server Side Includes (SSI)

A technology that allows you to weave dynamic modules into the content of web pages.


SSH is used to connect to the server using an encrypted connection and perform activities related to website administration on it. In particular, it allows you to install software, perform cleaning tasks, and facilitates the management of all files on the server.


A package management system designed for applications created in PHP. Composer is available in the form of a command line command, which via SSH allows you to manage packages and dependencies in a standardized way within the PHP project.


A tool that allows you to manage multiple projects based on WordPress, using the command line in the SSH terminal, without having to log in to the dashboard or database. In the terminal, you can create your own ready-made .sh scripts that are responsible for a particular activity, e.g. theme management, plugin management, data import/export.

Custom web error pages

If the requested document or resource is missing from the server, you can define your own error page instead of the standard server error message.

Additional paid services

CDN netart.com

Netart.com cache servers maintain copies of the components of your website in various places around the world. By shortening the distance between the location of the user using your website and the server where the files are stored, the time it takes to open it is shortened. Direct access to many Internet traffic exchange points ensures instant information transfer, and the distributed DDoS protection system in each netart.com CDN node protects your website against attacks.

Convert to Webp and resize images

Netart.com servers automatically convert images from your website to the modern webp image format, which provides a much better compression level than older jpg, gif or png technologies. Depending on the screen resolution on the mobile device, the size of the images sent from the server to the browser is dynamically reduced, thanks to which the amount of transmitted data decreases even more. Compressed page elements are sent to the user faster, and your website works faster. Requires activation of the CDN netart.com service.

LSCache Plugins Support

The service supports LSCache plugins in terms of functionality related to the management of static versions of previously executed PHP code. The executed code is stored as HTML in the CDN netart.com nodes. This eliminate the need to generate the web page content each time it is called. The use of the PHP cache speeds up the time of handling requests for web pages and reduces the load on the server. Requires activation of the CDN netart.com service.

2FA protection for e-mail

2FA security ensures double checking of e-mail login permissions. Regardless of whether you use Cloud Mail or an email program installed on your device that connects to the server via the POP3/IMAP4 protocol, to log in, in addition to the password, verification is required via an SMS message for the 2FA service, a code from the application or other authorization method available in the email account settings. 2FA security guarantees security, even if the password to the mailbox is revealed. Activation of the service and collection of fees is carried out independently for each e-mail account.

SMS for 2FA service

SMS messages sent to the mobile phone number indicated by you are used for additional verification of authorization to use the service at netart.com. Verification via the SMS channel is made after you have previously selected this form of authorization.

Data Backup 100 GB

Make backups of web files, databases and e-mails to disk arrays located in an external Data Center. Using the web interface, you specify how often the data will be archived and how many days it should be kept. At any time, you can also make copies of your data on demand, delete a selected copy or restore the data to the server. The copy size is determined based on the actual data occupancy on the disk arrays storing the backup copies. You have 100 GB of disk space at your disposal.

Data Backup 250 GB

Make backups of web files, databases and e-mails to disk arrays located in an external Data Center. Using the web interface, you specify how often the data will be archived and how many days it should be kept. At any time, you can also make copies of your data on demand, delete a selected copy or restore the data to the server. The copy size is determined based on the actual data occupancy on the disk arrays storing the backup copies. You have 250 GB of disk space at your disposal.

Data Backup 500 GB

Make backups of web files, databases and e-mails to disk arrays located in an external Data Center. Using the web interface, you specify how often the data will be archived and how many days it should be kept. At any time, you can also make copies of your data on demand, delete a selected copy or restore the data to the server. The copy size is determined based on the actual data occupancy on the disk arrays storing the backup copies. You have 500 GB of disk space at your disposal.

Data Backup 1 TB

Make backups of web files, databases and e-mails to disk arrays located in an external Data Center. Using the web interface, you specify how often the data will be archived and how many days it should be kept. At any time, you can also make copies of your data on demand, delete a selected copy or restore the data to the server. The copy size is determined based on the actual data occupancy on the disk arrays storing the backup copies. You have 1 TB of disk space at your disposal.

Data Backup 2 TB

Make backups of web files, databases and e-mails to disk arrays located in an external Data Center. Using the web interface, you specify how often the data will be archived and how many days it should be kept. At any time, you can also make copies of your data on demand, delete a selected copy or restore the data to the server. The copy size is determined based on the actual data occupancy on the disk arrays storing the backup copies. You have 2 TB of disk space at your disposal.

Data Backup 5 TB

Make backups of web files, databases and e-mails to disk arrays located in an external Data Center. Using the web interface, you specify how often the data will be archived and how many days it should be kept. At any time, you can also make copies of your data on demand, delete a selected copy or restore the data to the server. The copy size is determined based on the actual data occupancy on the disk arrays storing the backup copies. You have 5 TB of disk space at your disposal.

Data Backup 10 TB

Make backups of web files, databases and e-mails to disk arrays located in an external Data Center. Using the web interface, you specify how often the data will be archived and how many days it should be kept. At any time, you can also make copies of your data on demand, delete a selected copy or restore the data to the server. The copy size is determined based on the actual data occupancy on the disk arrays storing the backup copies. You have 10 TB of disk space at your disposal.

Dedicated IP address located geographically flagi

A dedicated IP address located in Europe or in one of the selected countries, such as France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, UK or USA, allows you to increase the functionality of your hosting and geolocate it in the selected area. Eliminates the risk associated with sharing an IP address among multiple customers. Eliminates the risk associated with accidentally entering an IP address and domain on RBL lists, resulting in problems in mail operation. It also protects against accidental DDoS attacks against other Web sites sharing the same IP address.

Reverse DNS for a geo-located dedicated IP address

The service allows you to enter a description for a dedicated IP address, thanks to which your hosting service will not differ from a dedicated server for all Internet users. You will be able to replace the standard descriptions of the dedicated-aez48.rev.netart.com type with the description of myanydomain.com. type of your choice. Setting the description of the dedicated IP address in accordance with the name of the domain from which you send mail will increase the reputation of your mail server and the level of delivery of mail items.

XL mail server

The XL Mail Server service allows you to increase the limit on the number of e-mails sent to 10,000 per day, which allows you to send about 300,000 e-mails per month. This solution is dedicated to Customers who support a large number of mailboxes. Requires activation of the Dedicated IP address geographically located service.

XXL mail server

The XXL Mail Server service allows you to increase the limit on the number of e-mails sent to 100,000 per day, which allows you to send about 3,000,000 e-mails per month. This solution is dedicated to Customers handling a very large number of mailboxes or sending newsletters. Requires activation of the Dedicated IP address geographically located service.

Extra storage space 100 GB

Extra storage space will allow you to maintain an additional 100 GB of data, without having to change service options, and increase the maximum number of files on the server by 500,000.
TAK - -

Extra storage space 500 GB

Extra storage space will allow you to maintain an additional 500 GB of data, without having to change service options, and increase the maximum number of files on the server by 1,000,000.

Extra storage space 1 TB

Extra storage space will allow you to maintain an additional 1 TB of data, without having to change service options, and increase the maximum number of files on the server by 2,000,000.

Extra storage space 4 TB

Extra storage space will allow you to maintain an additional 4 TB of data, without having to change service options, and increase the maximum number of files on the server by 2,000,000.

Extra storage space 9 TB

Extra storage space will allow you to maintain an additional 9 TB of data, without having to change service options, and increase the maximum number of files on the server by 2,000,000.

Legacy PHP versions handling

The service allows you to activate PHP versions for which the support period set by the PHP language developers has expired. If your application is not adapted to the latest PHP versions, you can use previous PHP versions that are provided for your hosting service.

Legacy Node.js versions handling

The service allows you to use a version of the Node.js application server for which the support period specified by the software publishers has expired. If your application is not customized to work with the latest versions of Node.js, you can use earlier versions of Node.js provided for your hosting service.

Legacy database servers handling

The service supports databases on MariaDB or PostgreSQL database servers for which the support period specified by their devel.

Additional data transfer

Additional data transfer allows you to use the Service after exceeding the transfer limit specified in the offer you have selected. Data is always sent at full speed, using the fast netart.com network, which has many traffic exchange points on the Internet. The service is billed in the Per Use Model.
Promotional price list
PRICE (USD/2 yrs)
CloudHosting e-Shop Start
60 USD
60 USD
300 USD
300 USD
CloudHosting e-Shop Business
10 USD
10 USD
120 USD
120 USD
600 USD
600 USD
CloudHosting e-Shop Pro
15 USD
15 USD
180 USD
180 USD
900 USD
900 USD
Additional paid services
PRICE (USD/2 yrs)
CDN netart.com
Convert to Webp and resize images
LSCache Plugins Support
2FA protection for e-mail
Data Backup 100 GB
Data Backup 250 GB
12.50 USD
12.50 USD
150 USD
150 USD
450 USD
450 USD
Data Backup 500 GB
25 USD
25 USD
300 USD
300 USD
900 USD
900 USD
Data Backup 1 TB
50 USD
50 USD
600 USD
600 USD
1,800 USD
1,800 USD
Data Backup 2 TB
100 USD
100 USD
1,200 USD
1,200 USD
3,600 USD
3,600 USD
Data Backup 5 TB
250 USD
250 USD
3,000 USD
3,000 USD
9,000 USD
9,000 USD
Data Backup 10 TB
500 USD
500 USD
6,000 USD
6,000 USD
18,000 USD
18,000 USD
Dedicated IP address located geographically
60 USD
60 USD
180 USD
180 USD
Reverse DNS for a geo-located dedicated IP address
60 USD
60 USD
180 USD
180 USD
Extra storage space 100 GB
60 USD
60 USD
180 USD
180 USD
Extra storage space 500 GB
12.50 USD
12.50 USD
150 USD
150 USD
450 USD
450 USD
Extra storage space 1 TB
25 USD
25 USD
300 USD
300 USD
900 USD
900 USD
Extra storage space 4 TB
100 USD
100 USD
1,200 USD
1,200 USD
3,600 USD
3,600 USD
Extra storage space 9 TB
200 USD
200 USD
2,400 USD
2,400 USD
7,200 USD
7,200 USD
Legacy PHP versions handling
Legacy Node.js versions handling
Legacy database servers handling
Standard price list
PRICE (USD/2 yrs)
CloudHosting e-Shop Start
20 USD
20 USD
240 USD
240 USD
480 USD
480 USD
CloudHosting e-Shop Business
40 USD
40 USD
480 USD
480 USD
960 USD
960 USD
CloudHosting e-Shop Pro
60 USD
60 USD
720 USD
720 USD
1,440 USD
1,440 USD
Additional paid services
PRICE (USD/2 yrs)
CDN netart.com
10 USD
10 USD
120 USD
120 USD
240 USD
240 USD
Convert to Webp and resize images
10 USD
10 USD
120 USD
120 USD
240 USD
240 USD
LSCache Plugins Support
10 USD
10 USD
120 USD
120 USD
240 USD
240 USD
2FA protection for e-mail
10 USD
10 USD
120 USD
120 USD
240 USD
240 USD
SMS for 2FA service
0.10 USD
0.10 USD
0.10 USD
0.10 USD
0.10 USD
0.10 USD
Data Backup 100 GB
10 USD
10 USD
120 USD
120 USD
240 USD
240 USD
Data Backup 250 GB
25 USD
25 USD
300 USD
300 USD
600 USD
600 USD
Data Backup 500 GB
50 USD
50 USD
600 USD
600 USD
1,200 USD
1,200 USD
Data Backup 1 TB
100 USD
100 USD
1,200 USD
1,200 USD
2,400 USD
2,400 USD
Data Backup 2 TB
200 USD
200 USD
2,400 USD
2,400 USD
4,800 USD
4,800 USD
Data Backup 5 TB
500 USD
500 USD
6,000 USD
6,000 USD
12,000 USD
12,000 USD
Data Backup 10 TB
1,000 USD
1,000 USD
12,000 USD
12,000 USD
24,000 USD
24,000 USD
Dedicated IP address located geographically
10 USD
10 USD
120 USD
120 USD
240 USD
240 USD
Reverse DNS for a geo-located dedicated IP address
10 USD
10 USD
120 USD
120 USD
240 USD
240 USD
XL mail server
50 USD
50 USD
600 USD
600 USD
1,200 USD
1,200 USD
XXL mail server
200 USD
200 USD
2,400 USD
2,400 USD
4,800 USD
4,800 USD
Extra storage space 100 GB
10 USD
10 USD
120 USD
120 USD
240 USD
240 USD
Extra storage space 500 GB
25 USD
25 USD
300 USD
300 USD
600 USD
600 USD
Extra storage space 1 TB
50 USD
50 USD
600 USD
600 USD
1,200 USD
1,200 USD
Extra storage space 4 TB
200 USD
200 USD
2,400 USD
2,400 USD
4,800 USD
4,800 USD
Extra storage space 9 TB
400 USD
400 USD
4,800 USD
4,800 USD
9,600 USD
9,600 USD
Legacy PHP versions handling
10 USD
10 USD
120 USD
120 USD
240 USD
240 USD
Legacy Node.js versions handling
10 USD
10 USD
120 USD
120 USD
240 USD
240 USD
Legacy database servers handling
10 USD
10 USD
120 USD
120 USD
240 USD
240 USD
Additional data transfer
0.05 USD
0.05 USD
0.05 USD
0.05 USD
0.05 USD
0.05 USD
LXC containerizationicon
24/7 supporticon

Using hosting services from another provider?

Speed up your websites by taking advantage of premium services offered by netart.com!

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iconIntuitive control
iconAutomatic WebP
image compression
iconIntegration with

Your professional online store

CloudHosting e-Shop is a dedicated server designed for running an online store based on the PrestaShop software. PrestaShop allows you to manage the whole sales process, from presenting your offer and receiving orders to handling payments and shipping goods. With special addons available for a PrestaShop online store, you can easily manage the optimization and positioning of your website on Google. Over 300,000 PrestaShop online stores are estimated to operate around the globe. This number is growing every day!

Explore the options offered by automatically configured PrestaShop modules

The biggest advantage of the PrestaShop online store is access to a large number of modules. Out of about 4,000 plugins, we have selected the best ones for you. In CloudHosting e-Shop, you have dozens of plugins installed from the very beginning, thanks to which you will be able to adapt the online store to your individual requirements.

  • Design & Navigation
  • Administration
  • Promotions

CDN netart.com

netart.com’s cache servers store copies of your website content in a number of locations around the world. Your website will load faster as the user who wants to see it is located closer to the server where the content is stored. Direct access to many Internet traffic exchange points enables immediate data delivery, while a distributed anti-DDoS system on each CDN netart.com node protects your website against attacks.

CDN w netart.com CDN w netart.com

LXC Containerization improves security and reliability

CloudHosting uses LXC containerization

Containers are created in the operating system, and the complete set of necessary processes is started within each container. Thus, each single service is separated at the virtual environment level, which directly results in improving the website’s security, stability and reliability.

CloudHosting netart.com z konteneryzacją LXC

Up to 10 TB of disk space

You can increase the disk space of your CloudHosting up to 10 TB at any time. This will give you a very large disk space limit without changing the service options, and without investing in a dedicated server.

The ability to expand CloudMail with numerous options and functionalities allows you to optimise the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of the service and provides you with a great deal of management freedom.

10TB - nazwa.pl
CloudHosting Panel-netart.com

CloudHosting Panel

CloudHosting Panel is a hosting service managementtool. The option to swiftly switch between views isintuitive for anyone who handled panels such as cPanel,DirectAdmin, Plesk, or Active.admin. The tool allows you to manage email accounts, domains, databases, and SSL certificates,and to control cache content on CDN netart.com servers.

In the Panel you will find many essential statistics enablingyou to perform quick service diagnostics and making iteasy for you to optimize the hosting services. Administrative tasks on the server can also be quickly completed. The RWDversion for mobile devices, with an option to switchbetween horizontal and vertical views, lets you conveniently manage theservice on mobile phones or tablets.

Cloud Mail

Cloud Mail is a functional combination of a webmail and an organizer. With the webmail you can comfortably work with your email, whilethe organizer will help you plan your daily activities, reminding you ofall tasks that still need to be completed.

You can access the Cloud Mail from any location where a web browser can be used. A dedicated application for Android smartphones and tablets isan additional benefit for those who use mobile devices.

CloudMail - netart.com
Konsola do wykonywania kopii zapasowych

Backup Console

Using the backup console, you can create and backup files, databases and e-mails from your server to data media stored in an external Data Center.

Via an intuitive web-based interface you can set the automatic backup frequency and backup retention time. Sensitive content stored in databases can be backed up even every hour. At any time you can also make an on-demand backup, delete a selected backup, change its retention time, or restore data to the server.

2FA for email

2FA for email enables double checking the email login authorization. Whether you are using Cloud Mail or an email software installed on your device that connects with a server via POP3/IMAP4, a second authentication by means of a text message, a code provided in the application, or another method available in the email account settings will be required in addition to the password. 2FA guarantees security even if the password to your email account is compromised.

CloudMail - netart.com

Manage your email
and plan your
at your

Zarządzaj pocztą oraz wygodnie planuj obowiązki

Stay mobile
with the Cloud Mail

Key characteristics available with all hosting service options

  • hosting

    Cloud hosting CloudHosting with CDN netart.com is a modern solution offering you higher speed, resource scalability, and reaction to failures in a split second. With the netart.com cloud computing, a single CloudHosting service is provided by a hundred servers. The servers are divided into specialized clusters for running websites, email, databases, FTP, SSH, or CRON tasks. Anyone using netart.com services can have access to hundreds of processors and terabytes of RAM and use them within limits according to the hosting service options ordered.

  • Php

    PHP interpreter PHP is a script language most frequently used by website developers. It is flexible and has a simple syntax and a large number of additional modules for developing dynamic websites and tasks such as file management, database operations, or website data encryption.

    Available PHP versions with software publisher support: 8.1, 8.2, 8.3
    Available PHP versions with additional service: 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0

  • Node.js

    Node.js application server Node.js is a server-based runtime environment for JavaScript applications. With netart.com hosting services, Node.js can be used as a web service with data transferred via HTTP. Application dependency management is done with the Npm package manager. The following frameworks can be selected for netart.com hosting services: Express.js, Koa.js, Socket.io, Nest.js, Sails.js, Total.js, Hapi.js, Derby.js, LoopBack.io, Adonis.js.

    Available Node.js versions with software publisher support: 18 LTS, 20 LTS
    Available Node.js versions with additional service: 12 LTS, 14 LTS, 15 LTS, 16 LTS.

  • MondoDB

    MongoDB non-relational database MongoDB is a NoSQL database storing data as JSON/BSON objects. It enables fast data processing in an application. For each hosting service at netart.com, a MongoDB server runs as a separate instance.

  • redis

    Redis and Memcached cache memory Redis and Memcached are state-of-the-art data stores mostly used as a cache to speed up websites, particularly for complex content management systems such as WordPress or PrestaShop online stores. With netart.com hosting services, both databases can be used at the same time, with the maximum size of each database of 1 GB.

  • PostgreSQL

    MariaDB and PostgreSQL databases As part of netart.com hosting services, MariaDB and PostgreSQL databases can be used at the same time. They run in a server cluster ensuring their high performance and reliability. Fast Intel Optane drives with 3D XPoint technology and much RAM are used for database servers, so even the largest web applications and online stores can be smoothly served.

    Available versions of MariaDB with software publisher support: 10.5, 10.6, 10.11
    Available MariaDB versions with add-on service: 10.1

    Available PostgreSQL versions with software publisher support: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
    Available PostgreSQL versions as an add-on service: 9

  • ddos

    Advanced anti-DDoS protection, Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) and Web Application Firewall (WAF) IPS and WAF systems safeguard netart.com-hosted websites. IPS is performed by dedicated network devices from Fortinet running in a high-availability cluster. IPS operates between the anti-DDoS system and WAF application filters to detect repeatable attack.

  • Security

    DNS SECURITY EXTENSIONS The DNSSEC protocol provides protection against redirecting domains to phishing websites. DNSSEC prevents DNS data from being forged and modified by using asymmetric cryptography and digital signatures.

    DNS Anycast The Anycast technology makes websites open faster by means of geographically dispersed DNS servers. Specific domain requests are always sent to the nearest server with respect to the user.

    DKIM, DMARC and SPF With netart.com hosting services, a comprehensive email security option is available both for incoming messages and for the ones sent from email accounts run on netart.com servers. All the security options can be automatically activated in CloudHosting Panel.

Extend your CloudHosting e-Shop package by adding other functionalities and services

Additional functionalities and services allow CloudHosting to be customized to meet individual project requirements. They not only provide website acceleration and expand the server's capabilities, but also enhance security and introduce additional protection for the email service. Using them, you can optimize the total cost of hosting ownership by providing automation of key activities that directly increase hosting performance.

  • CDN netart.com netart.com’s cache servers store copies of your website content in a number of locations around the world. Your website will load faster as the user who wants to see it is located closer to the server where the content is stored. Direct access to many Internet traffic exchange points enables immediate data delivery, while a distributed anti-DDoS system on each CDN netart.com node protects your website against attacks.

  • Convert to Webp and resize images netart.com servers automatically convert images stored on your website to the modern webp image format providing much better compression than older technologies such as jpg, gif, and png. Depending on the screen resolution of a mobile device, images sent from server to a web browser are dynamically downsized to further decrease the amount of downloaded data. Compressed website content reaches the user faster, so users can enjoy the shorter opening time of your website. CDN netart.com activation is required.

  • LSCache Plugins Support The service supports LSCache plugins in terms of functionality related to the management of static versions of previously executed PHP code. The executed code is stored as HTML in the CDN netart.com nodes. This eliminate the need to generate the web page content each time it is called. The use of the PHP cache speeds up the time of handling requests for web pages and reduces the load on the server. Requires activation of the CDN netart.com service.

  • 2FA protection for e-mail 2FA is an additional feature designed to verify the user’s authorization to use the email account. When you access your mailbox via web-based Cloud Mail interface or an email application installed on your computer or tablet, 2FA enforces two-factor authentication by means of a text message, an application-generated code, or another method configured in the email account settings. With 2FA, even if your email account password is compromised, no malicious party can access your mailbox. You can set up 2FA separately for each email account in your hosting services settings.

  • Data Backup Back up your website content, databases, and emails on disk arrays located in an external Data Center. Set up backup frequency and retention period via the web-based interface. At any time you can also make an on-demand backup, delete a selected backup, or restore data to the server. The size of your backup is determined based on the actual data footprint on disk arrays used for backup storage.

  • Dedicated IP address located geographically A dedicated IP address located in Europe or in one of the selected countries, such as France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, UK or USA, allows you to increase the functionality of your hosting and geolocate it in the selected area. Eliminates the risk associated with sharing an IP address among multiple customers. Eliminates the risk associated with accidentally entering an IP address and domain on RBL lists, resulting in problems in mail operation. It also protects against accidental DDoS attacks against other Web sites sharing the same IP address.

  • Reverse DNS for a geo-located dedicated IP address This service allows you to set a description for a dedicated IP address so that all Internet users can see no difference between your hosting service and a dedicated sever. You can change descriptions generated as standard, such as dedicated-aez48.rev.netart.com, to a custom description you wish to have such as myanydomain.com. By setting a description of your dedicated IP address matching the name of the domain used for sending email, you will improve your mail server reputation and mail delivery rates.

  • XL mail server The XL mail server option lets you increase the number of emails sent per day to 10,000, so that you can send some 300,000 emails a month. This solution is dedicated to Customers working with a large number of mailboxes. The ‘Dedicated IP address associated with a chosen geographical location’ option has to be activated.

  • XXL mail server The XXL mail server option lets you increase the number of emails sent per day to 100,000, so that you can send some 3,000,000 emails a month. This solution is dedicated to Customers who work with a very large number of mailboxes or send newsletters. The ‘Dedicated IP address associated with a chosen geographical location’ option has to be activated.

  • Extra storage space Double the storage space on your server. The additional storage space available with this option makes it possible to store large files, create additional email accounts, or keep new databases on the server. Enjoy all these benefits without changing the service option.

  • Legacy PHP versions handling The service allows you to activate PHP versions for which the support deadline specified by the PHP language developers has expired. If your application is not customized to work with the latest PHP versions, you can use earlier PHP versions provided for your hosting service.

  • Legacy Node.js versions handling The service allows you to use versions of the Node.js application server for which the support period specified by the software publishers has expired. If your application is not customized to work with the latest versions of Node.js, you can use earlier versions of Node.js provided for your hosting service.

  • Legacy database servers handling The service allows you to operate databases on MariaDB or PostgreSQL database servers for which the support period specified by their developers has expired. If your application is not customized to work with the latest versions of these databases, you can use earlier versions of MariaDB or PostgreSQL provided for your hosting service.


Activate a dedicated database server

Dedicated database servers are add-on services that enable the use of the database software of choice and are recommended especially for highly demanding projects, such as complex e-commerce platforms with a large number of online transactions. Traffic generated between CloudHosting and a dedicated database server running at the same location is not included in CloudHosting's overall data transfer.

  • Dedicated MariaDB server Relational SQL server with high performance and reliability. It offers a complete set of functions necessary for database management. It is mainly used for websites, CRM systems and corporate databases in enterprises.

  • Dedicated Postgre SQL server Relational-object database server. It is distinguished by its performance, flexibility and strong emphasis on information integrity. It has advanced transaction handling features and offers support for complex SQL queries.

  • Dedicated SQL Express server Relational database server with Transact-SQL query language. Used in projects where efficient information management is required. It features a high level of security, so it is often used to store, for example, personal data.

  • Dedicated MongoDB server NoSQL database server. Operates in a document model, storing data in Binary JSON (BSON) form. Allows flexible data modelling. It is used to support transactional processes and real-time analysis.

  • Dedicated OpenSearch server Full-text search tool. It allows efficient indexing and searching of large collections. It works almost in real time. It can be applied in many types of activities, from log monitoring to business analysis. It has got integrated mechanisms for data visualization.

  • Dedicated Redis server A database server that is often used as a high-speed cache. It stores information in RAM, allowing it to be read, written and edited without processing the entire collection. It is characterised by short response times.


Do you have an online store on another hosting?

CloudHosting e-Shop servers operate on the basis of cloud technology, which is a modern solution that provides unrivaled speed of websites. CloudHosting e-Shop means scalability of available resources and response to potential failures in fractions of seconds. In netart.com's cloud, each e-Shop is supported by an entire cluster of servers, not by a single server, as in the case of traditional hosting.

Learn more about CloudHosting technology

Running a store on third-party hosting?

Move your online store to a CloudHosting eStore server today! We will do our best to make it run up to 10 times faster than on the server of your current hosting company!

CloudHosting WordPress, i.e. cloud hosting, is a modern solution, surpassing traditional hosting, in which the website is operated only on a single server. Cloud hosting offers greater speed, scalability of resources and response to failures in fractions of seconds. In cloud hosting, each website is served simultaneously in clusters consisting of hundreds of servers, thanks to which, regardless of the time of day or night, all websites operate at the maximum possible speed.

CloudHosting with CDN netart.com

szybki hosting netart.com
Dynamic resource allocation across hundreds of servers

Servers are allocated to serve incoming requests related to websites by devices called load balancers. Servers are selected dynamically based on the load of each server in the cloud, with decisions made in thousandths of a second. What happens if a website generates more traffic? There are no delays in operation, as load balancers immediately recognize such a situation and intelligently balance the traffic between the netart.com cloud servers with the least load.

netart.com’s CloudHosting uses ultra fast Intel Xeon server processors with high clock speed to make each website quickly and reliably. Thanks to state-of-the-art Intel Optane drives and cloud hosting technology, the speed of each website is independent of time of day and the load generated by other netart.com customers’ websites. CloudHosting offers the processing power of hundreds of servers rather than of a single server as is the case with classic web hosting services.

CDN netart.com speeds up CloudHosting

Websites using CDN netart.com’s static content caching open faster than those unsupported by this technology. Cache servers are placed in key locations around the world to provide users with access to website content from their nearest geographical location.

As the physical distance between a server and a user becomes shorter, performance is improved, delays in content delivery are eliminated, and websites open faster. Using CDN netart.com nodes directly translates into improved web page positioning, since search engines algorithms take account of how fast pages are loaded.

CDN netart.com efficiently protects you against Distributed Denial of Service attacks, since the direct traffic exchange between Internet service providers at a number of traffic exchange points effectively limits the consequences of a potential attack from the affected network only to its connection points.

PrestaShop-enabled web hosting FAQ

  • The PrestaShop software is one of the most popular content management systems designed to manage online sales. It allows you to develop sophisticated online stores without any special knowledge or programming skills. PrestaShop received CMS Critic Award in 2016 as the best e-commerce software.

  • CloudHosting e-Shop is a line of servers designed for online sales. You can use it to create your own online store even if you know nothing about IT and programming. The CMS PrestaShop e-commerce application can be installed automatically from CloudHosting Panel.

  • Planning to start an online store? Take advantage of a PrestaShop-enabled web hosting service from netart.com. This is what you have to do:

    • Choose one of the following options:
      • CloudHosting e-Shop Start – 100 GB,
      • CloudHosting e-Shop Business – 500 GB,
      • CloudHosting e-Shop Pro – 1 TB.
    • Select additional services to include with the server.
    • Pay for your order and start your new online store.
  • If your online store is growing in terms of product count or website traffic, consider extending the available storage space for files and databases. To upgrade your hosting service option and have more resources, contact our Customer Support. We will be happy to help you choose the best solution for your online store.

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