Special offer: BG70 BGN/yr | com – 20 BGN/yr | eu – 20 BGN/yr

CloudHosting Pay-Per-Use Calculator

  • CPU usage

  • Storage

  • Additional data transfer

additional services
  • -
    sent e-mails
  • GB
    occupied disk space
Estimated cost: BGN/mo. BGN/mo.
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CloudHosting Pay-Per-Use Pricing

Price list
Fee for using the service
0,09 BGN
0,11 BGN
CPU usage
0,18 BGN
0,22 BGN
0,02 BGN
0,02 BGN
Additional data transfer
0,09 BGN
0,11 BGN
Outgoing mail handling
0,02 BGN
0,02 BGN
 for 1 e-mail
CDN netart.com
0,08 BGN
0,10 BGN
Convert to Webp and resize images
0,05 BGN
0,06 BGN
LSCache Plugins Support
0,05 BGN
0,06 BGN
2FA protection for e-mail
0,05 BGN
0,06 BGN
SMS for 2FA service
0,18 BGN
0,22 BGN
Data Backup
0,09 BGN
0,11 BGN
/100 GB/h
Reverse DNS for a geo-located dedicated IP address
0,05 BGN
0,06 BGN
Legacy PHP versions handling
0,05 BGN
0,06 BGN
Legacy Node.js versions handling
0,05 BGN
0,06 BGN
Legacy database servers handling
0,05 BGN
0,06 BGN

VAT should be added to the net prices. Settlement is made in the Pay-Per-Use of the service from Advance Account.

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