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CDN netart.com price

Price list
CDN netart.com
0.04 USD
0.04 USD
Data transfer
0.05 USD
0.05 USD
Additional paid services
Dedicated IP address located geographically
0.02 USD
0.02 USD
Reverse DNS for a geo-located dedicated IP address
0.02 USD
0.02 USD
Convert to Webp and resize images
0.03 USD
0.03 USD
Web Application Firewall (WAF)
0.05 USD
0.05 USD
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
0.13 USD
0.13 USD
Gzip and brotli compression
0.03 USD
0.03 USD
Multi-Site Origin
0.25 USD
0.25 USD
Setting headers and cache-control times in the Control Panel
0.05 USD
0.05 USD
Extra cache capacity
0.03 USD
0.03 USD
netartSSL OEM Certificate
0.02 USD
0.02 USD
netartSSL Premium OEM Certificate
0.03 USD
0.03 USD

VAT should be added to the net prices. Settlement is made in the Pay-Per-Use of the service from Advance Account.

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